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Health and Safety

Health and Safety

S Wallace Consulting Limited can help you create Health and Safety Policies and Processes tailored to your company’s needs.

The purpose of health and safety is to protect your workers, sub-contractors, customers and members of the public when they are involved with your business. You have a duty of care under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 but more than that, it’s good business practice to adhere to health and safety laws.

Health and safety processes and procedures
What are the main health and safety regulations?

The main health and safety regulations for businesses are:

Employers must take measures to protect the mental and physical wellbeing of workers and non-workers. The Health and Safety at Work Act protects employees, customers, and visitors to your premises. Employers should aim to eliminate or significantly prevent accidents happening in the workplace. Health and safety legislation requires employers to put control measures in place to ensure that Employers Duties towards employees are met by providing a safe work environment and to ensure that work equipment provided is safe and is maintained in a safe condition.
What are the 3 basic health and safety rights at any workplace?
What are the 4 main objectives of the Health and Safety at Work Act?
What are the 5 major hazards in the workplace?
If you have any questions
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