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Business Process Consulting Services

Business processes are how your business makes money, achieves your objectives and delivers value to your customers. Everything your business does is a process. Managing and improving these processes is critical to growing successful businesses.

S Wallace Consulting provide business process consulting services to help your business reduce costs, increase profits and give both staff and your customers better experiences. We help businesses to transform how they do business.

So What Is Business Process Management?

Business Process Management (BPM) is a methodology used to enhance day-to-day business activities. It focuses on streamlining and clarifying communication throughout the organisation and making the workplace more efficient. This business practice includes techniques like modelling, automating, controlling, organising and optimising business flows. The end goal is to create a business that appropriately supports employees in reaching company goals.

Business Process Management vs. Business Process Improvement

Business Process Management is frequently mixed up with Business Process Improvement (BPI). Though these two approaches have a lot of similarities, they are technically separate things. BPI is more customer-driven and improvement-focused. It’s all about things like enhancing customer service, finding ways to lower costs or decreasing order time.

Essentially, BPI is a tool that helps to enhance your BPM methodology. BPI is more about slow, gradual improvement in specific areas, while BPM focuses on long-term strategies, organisation-wide changes, and overall business goals.

Benefits of Business Process Management and Improvement

Paying attention to these techniques comes with many benefits. Business Process Management and Business Process Improvement are both important because they can deliver these advantages:-

  • Increased efficiency in the workplace
  • More versatility and improved abilities to adjust to changes
  • Lower business costs and higher profit
  • Reduced accidents and mistakes in the workplace
  • A better understanding of what happens in your company
  • Less stress and disagreements among employees
  • Improved productivity levels throughout the company
  • More satisfaction among customers
  • Better integration with existing technology
  • Enhanced ability to scale up as the company grows

What Does a Business Process Consultant Do?

So how do you get all these benefits? One simple and easy way is by hiring a business process management consultant. A consultant will work with you for a set amount of time and then leave you with the tools to succeed. Different consultants have different methods, but usually start by chatting with the business owners to learn about their business goals.

Once they have a clear-cut idea of what they should focus on, consultants then may then visit work sites and learn more about the company’s day-to-day processes. Typically, consultants don’t make any big changes at first. Instead, they carefully assess the situation and analyse how potential changes could affect the company.

In more hands-on workplaces, business process consultants may need to talk to the owners before making any adjustments. However, some companies will give consultants free-range to change things as needed. This can allow the consultant to tweak workplace practices and find more optimal ways of doing things. Once the consultant has created a new set of guidelines and recommendations, they educate managers and business owners. Then the company continues to operate with the new methodologies in place, with the business process consultant on hand to provide any needed support.

Techniques for Implementing Business Process Improvement

Whether you hire a process improvement consultant or choose to do the work yourself, Business Process Improvement tends to follow a similar path. There are a lot of useful tools and techniques we can use to streamline your management and processes. Generally speaking, it involves using various workplace tools to perform these six activities:

  • Visualise processes and functions
  • Determine the best ways to measure your success
  • Analyse hypotheticals and simulations to find ways to improve
  • Create a schedule for implementing planned changes
  • Monitor all changes to see how well they perform
  • Integrate the new information into your framework
  • Analyse and measure success

Ultimately, BPM and BPI are helpful ways of expanding and improving a company. By thoughtfully approaching the way your business is run, you can better achieve all of your business goals.

S Wallance Consulting is a business process consulting company in Auckland. Contact us today to see how a business process consultant can help your business. We are based in Auckland but work with businesses throughout New Zealand.

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